What’s the #1 problem with conflict?

by | Jul 17, 2024 | Blind Spots, Featured, Insights, Neuroplasticity, NLP and Somatic Coaching

People arguing around a table in the workplace; conflict at work.

Why do you think conflict to be bad? (A note from a long-time friend)

At first I chuckled (“that’s Bill for ya'”) …and then I thought about it.

Here’s what I came up with:

➠ Conflicting ideas and perspectives are good. We know this can lead to creativity, breakthroughs, and more, which is how we get and experience progress.

➠ The problem is that many people lack the skill to separate their own identities from their personal points of view in order to take that next step to consider different ideas.

➠ This lack of skill leads many of us to dig in our heels and become immovable, insisting that our perspective is the only one that’s “correct”.

➠ This keeps us stuck in a lower level of evolutionary growth and ultimately affects the social structures around us.

➠ This keeps whole populations fixed in a way that resists anything that challenges their point of view (and could potentially lead to growth and evolution).

➠ Much of the bloodshed in the world (historical and current) can be traced back to this phenomenon.


So how does this play out at work and at home?


  • When we find ourselves stuck in a pattern of communication that consistently ends in frustration — for one or both parties — we can trace a new path by understanding the operating system that’s driving how we see and interact with the world.
  • Then we can intentionally make adjustments and create a whole new (evolved) structure of interaction.
  • So… when we learn about the programs in our unconscious minds that are running our thoughts, and particularly how they rule the ways we communicate, we are finally free to step outside of the operating system and consider what might lead to a more useful existence.

This thought process is heavily influenced by my study and application of Graves Values, a construct that explains the evolution of the human psyche, and that can be applied to an individual, a team or family, or any social system, including nations.

If you find this at all intriguing, here’s a good place to start.

And if you’re more than just a little intrigued, schedule a Complimentary Discovery Call to explore how this body of knowledge and associated exercises can create completely new ways for you and your team to relate, collaborate and produce outstanding results! 

Tracy Benson

Tracy Benson, Founder and CEO, On the Next Page, provides executive coaching to senior leaders and their teams in Fortune 500 companies across industries, including: healthcare, pharma, energy, technology, consumer goods, manufacturing, hospitality, defense and financial.

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