Raise your virtual hands if you remember The Cluetrain Manifesto. I met the Manifesto 15 years ago, at an internal communications conference. The book had just been published, and it hooked me with the opening line—“A powerful global conversation has begun.” It also...

What to Do If Your CEO Suddenly Dies
Beth Swanson and I teamed up to write a piece called, "What to Do If Your CEO Suddenly Dies" - featured in Ragan's PR Daily. Generated by the sudden death of SurveryMonkey's CEO, this is a timely and sensitive article on what to do in the aftermath of a leader's...

5 Tips for Leading Transformational Change
Is your organization in the middle of navigating transformational change? Almost everybody is these days, in the spirit of sharing best practices, here are five critical observations about successful organizational change from our team at On the Same Page. 1. 20 / 20...
The Ultimate Balancing Act: Driving Out Cost While Investing in Growth
First do no harm I went to my traditional internist the other day to talk about some nutritional guidance I received from an “alternative” practitioner. With a not so subtle scowl on her face, the traditional doc said: “First do no harm.” While I was disappointed in...
Marissa Mayer Is at It Again
Earlier this week, Huffington Post reported that Yahoo has instituted the “stack-ranking” system of evaluating employees. The approach involves ranking employees of a department or team against each other on a bell curve, with the result that someone – or several...
What influences employee survey response rates?
The response rate of an employee survey determines the validity of the results, the higher an organization’s response rate, the more likely the results will be representative of the population. This provides greater confidence that the results are truly...
Functional Expert to Visionary Leader
There’s been a lot said about how Marissa Mayer is doing as Yahoo’s CEO. Whether you think she was the right or wrong person for the job, we can all learn something about managing the transition from functional expert to visionary leader. Get Ahead as a Functional...