Blind Spots
Bare-Knuckling it on Your Own as a Leader is Like Trying to Teach Yourself How to Sing

Bare-Knuckling it on Your Own as a Leader is Like Trying to Teach Yourself How to Sing

You may enjoy the hell out of singing in the car, the shower, the kitchen or anywhere else for that matter. But know this: That doesn’t mean anyone else enjoys it half as much as you do. Before you head onto the #leadership stage …even if you’ve been there a while… find out how others hear (and experience) you. Spoiler alert: Even if you’re convinced that your team is open with you — you are not hearing it all.

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When Should You Hire a Coach?

When Should You Hire a Coach?

What do superstars know that the rest of us don’t? That working with a coach or advisor doesn’t have to mean something is wrong. On the contrary, the best of the best are that way because they surround themselves with unbiased truth-tellers.

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Losing Normal

Losing Normal

How is this abnormal different from all other abnormals? Remember when we actively did things to upend our sense of normal -- like traveling, trying new activities, attending live performances? All of these require us to suspend our "normal" for a time and expand our...

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Advising the Advisor: Do it Anyway!

Advising the Advisor: Do it Anyway!

Over the years, I’ve developed a morning ritual that has become essential for me having a great day. I like great days a lot, so this ritual is pretty important to me. As in, I have noticed on more than one occasion that when I skip it entirely, I don’t get a great...

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